FOR ALL WE KNOW _ 2021 _ music video
Format: 2k digital, black and white + color

Length: 5min51sec
Language: English
Country of Production: France and Germany
Production : Annick Gibert - Kotti Films
Direction, editing, production : Yann les Jours
Music : "For all we know" by Mary Ocher
With : Mary Ocher, Yann les Jours, Bitsy Knox, Nadine D, Annick Gibert & Christian Delolme, Anna Giacomin & Thibaud Giacomin, Florian Poudevigne Volpe, Maurice Poudevigne & Yolande Poudevigne, Phoebus, Madeleine Rose, Mats Folkesson, Lewis Lloyd, Nadine Volpe.
Thanks to Orange "ear"

FOR ALL WE KNOW is the music video of a song by Mary Ocher (to be released on an upcoming album).
That film has been developed around the idea of bridge between the loss and the vivid memories of what is missing,
a bridge linking the archipel context/subject-filming-viewing _ wonderfully embodied by Mary in that film.

It's about perceiving those shifts we operate, sometimes unconsciously. Those essential in-betweens merging our existances with others'.

read my interview about this work here : 

screen shots

awards and festival selections


Official selection and World premiere at LEEDS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL


Official selection Reykjavik Independant Film Festival


Official selection and Winner for best music video at Ghent International Short Film Festival
Official selection Athens International Short Film Festival Psarokokalo
Official selection Boston Short Film Festival